Last summer's "Titus Andronicus," for example, was a daring and controversial choice.
In Jacob's later years he did many "awful" things, but also made daring choices that would lead to his freedom.
But it's fair to say that we steered away from the more daring choices, like asparagus and saffron ice cream.
Much has been made of the imaginative and daring choice of the four competition judges in January 1957.
The All Stars appeared six times and embodied the daring choices that can take new music's adventurousness beyond academicism.
As you make these humbly daring choices, you'll find that adventure is very much a personal pursuit.
It was a daring choice, validated in rave reviews and prolonged ovations.
"Winterreise," on many counts, was a daring choice.
A daring choice can result in an unhappy client.