He turned his gaze inward and scrutinized himself to determine what struck the deepest, darkest chords within him.
Occasionally, Berlioz touches on darker chords and themes.
Fergus' song: I sang it alone in the house, holding down the long dark chords.
The content is conveyed through intricate drums and dark chords.
And behind the jargon sounded the great dark chords of Wagnerian ecstasy.
But-in strange paradox-the sight and sound fascinated her, reached below the warp, touched the dark chords latent to humanity.
These words sounded a deep dark chord in me.
This is equivalent to the dark chords of movie music, but it works.
In the middle, where the birds were thickest, the shape was black, a sinuous, twisting dark chord.
In one of the evening's few solos Mr. Moran gave the music a thrilling edge, staying deep in the rhythm and punching dark chords in thorny bursts.