He wedged himself into a dark cranny in the misshapen rocks, where at least none of the acidic rain could penetrate.
A long sigh rustled somewhere in the dark cranny behind the ash cans.
The young slept up there in the warmth, and much that had to be stored was tucked away in the loft's dark crannies and recesses.
With no exit, Joyce explores the passageway, walking past a dark cranny where the security guard is hiding.
Kuragin hesitated when it came to stepping over a skeleton into the dark cranny he picked.
Barely seen in a flash of movement, a glistening black creature with many legs scuttled into a dark cranny between deck plates.
He built his fire on the slope of the rubble pile, where it could brighten the darker crannies of the antechamber.
In the same dark cranny of our national psyche where we gloat over the misfortunes of Martha Stewart, we love books like "Admissions."
Still we may head them, for to the west but a ways lies a path around this dark cranny, where we may pass beyond them without their knowledge.
Could he be right here, in this woodsy neighborhood, with all of its somber nooks and dark crannies?