With four keen eyes, peering in all directions at the end of graceful stalks, did the g'Kek ancestors see a dark destiny painted on galactic winds?
Thus fate it fashioned that in Fuilin's house the dark destiny now dwelt awhile of Turin the tall.
Dark night, dark rain, dark destiny - they fitted his dark, grim thoughts.
Felix Jaeger cursed the dark destiny that had dragged him into these terrible events.
And perhaps it would be kinder to leave the dwarf like this, unaware of the crimes he had committed and the dark destiny that drove him to seek his doom.
However, Lance decides to participate in the meeting but on a churchyard the events between Lance escalate just as the dark destiny threatens how it has forecast in the comic.
But nothing goes as planned and the two beautiful women get caught up in a lethally twisted tale of revenge and betrayal that send all four characters to their dark destiny.
She felt destiny rushing toward her, dark and inescapable.
It started its dark destiny in the Glen of Donnelaith.
Not long after this, Athena sensed a dark destiny for the gods amidst the cosmic mechanations of Alexander Luthor.