He pushed her ahead of him into the dark enclosure.
Suddenly, from a dark enclosure, a bald, husky man darted out, with a pair of police officers in pursuit.
He went through the priest's entrance to the confessional and sat in the small, dark enclosure, then pulled the cord to open the black screen.
The colloid is placed in a light-absorbing, dark enclosure, and illuminated with a convergent beam of intense light entering from one side.
And besides, I had no protection: in the dark enclosure of the forest I should be quite vulnerable.
As they crossed the dark enclosure to their tent they heard a hyena, not without satisfaction.
Everything was spinning now, and the dark enclosure became darker.
The garage opened slowly and balkily, gears jammed with dust, and Charles parked the tractor in its dark enclosure.
Images from outside entered a dark enclosure through a lens and projected themselves on inner walls.