She turned her head, which was all she could move, to see someone in another white pressure-suit standing beside her, anonymous behind a dark faceplate.
She walked forward, into the shade, stopped, hands at her sides, sensors pulsing behind her dark faceplate like so many stars in a void.
He jerked about with his back to the door and looked into Anne's dark faceplate with its dancing stars.
Where the sunlight shone on bare rock, the glare was nearly blinding, even through their dark faceplates.
They wore silvery looking spacesuits with dark faceplates.
Finally, she said, "It was wearing a dark faceplate.
Through the window he could see the two silver suited aliens, staring at him through their dark faceplates.
By offering darker faceplates, these picture tubes provide greater contrast between black and white.
I was stunned and ready for almost anything when he opened the dark faceplate of his space suit.
She looked grotesquely different in her airsuit, and the dark faceplate was a mask over her features.