The leafless plants have serpentine trunks and limbs and are covered in a dark green feltlike fuzz.
His hands, which were covered with a dark fuzz for three inches below his wrists, seemed too large and blocky as he handled the paperback.
The child whose head was capped with dark fuzz promptly screwed up its face and shrieked.
"Oh, taste and see," Zylle murmured, and touched her lips softly to the dark fuzz on the baby's head.
A dark fuzz of beard shadowed his square jaw and highlighted the cleft in his chin.
He ruffled the dark fuzz on Joshua's head.
Then the hair DID begin to grow in . . . a dark fuzz at first.
He guessed she hadn't been out of stasis for more than a few clays: her hair was the same dark fuzz as before.
The head was long and narrow, bald except for a dark babyish fuzz.
He was quite young, she saw, not shaven lately but with just a dark fuzz over the skin.