Rissa set the platter of sliced mutton on the table, and followed it with a bowl heaped high with noodles and a dark gravy.
Tammo took the lid off a panful of dark rich gravy.
The badger put aside two slices, rich, dark gravy seeping from them onto the plates as he popped them in the oven.
Mariel accepted the hot turnover, biting into the pastry and eating ravenously, regardless of the dark aromatic warm gravy that dribbled onto her paws.
Its home-style dark brown gravy was tasteless.
Although I don't eat meat, I was almost tempted by my table-mates' venison, served in a dark gravy with a poached pear.
"Sari's heard all this before," Uncle Ben said, dipping the pita bread into the dark gravy on his plate.
"I want french fries with American cheese melted on them and dark brown gravy," said Pamela Rutherford, 22, of Oakland.
It was densely blanketed with a dark gravy.
Mellus ladled fragrant dark gravy over a carrot and scallion pastie and placed it in front of Joseph.