In the distance is another pair of tall peaks, dark jade in color, and beyond those, the purple shadows of two more.
The sea rose to the morning sun, dark jade and silver, a great shoulder of water shrugging up and rolling smoothly toward the break.
For chopsticks they were given slender rods of dark jade.
The sea was green and shone like dark jade with some of jade's intangible mistiness.
I started with a dark jade green 1977 Thunderbird.
He also had a tan-brown 1978 and another dark jade 1977.
Under Ulugh Beg's government a solid block of dark green jade was placed over the grave of Tamerlane (see picture).
A darker jade than those of Lali, but as pure, with all the depth and none of the translucence.
Shelby could already envision it finished in a dark jade green with hints, but only hints, of something softer beneath the surface of the glaze.
The Givenchy color was aqua blue in 1976, dark jade green in 1977 and 78, and crystal blue in 1979.