I crossed to the holy well where the wooden image of the god stood, barely visible in its dark niche.
As she passed what seemed no more than a dark niche in the wall, something slipped out beside them.
He concluded with a decisive gesture, and the dark niche on the broad stage image disappeared.
He wanted to find some dark niche in a tree branch, somewhere, and hide.
He could have vanished into only one place: the dark niche in the wall.
He took out a dusty bottle from the dark niche beyond.
He pointed out the dark niches around the aquarium with benches for quiet viewing.
Holly wrapped her thin little arms around Ann's neck when she squatted down by the dark niche.
The dark niches of his eyes remained steady on Paul with their untamed stare.
To his left, set in a dark niche, is a squat brown form: a huge head with a tiny protruding hand.