The dark panels swung open, and a head full of blonde curls poked in from the hallway.
His most notable acquisition was a large, dark panel which he purchased in 1846.
A dark panel along the corridor wall suddenly came to life with a pulsing pattern of light.
"Look," she said contentedly, triggering one of the dark panels into translucence.
Its only major difference was its color scheme, which featured a large number of dark red panels and black accents.
Between the back seat and the front, a dark panel had risen so that she couldn't see out the front, either.
Its walls are dressed in dark panels over a century old.
At night, the grille-covered windows were simply dark panels on either side of the street door.
Romar laughed nervously and led the way to one of the small computer access screens on the glossy, dark panels.
She remained silent, staring at the dark panel.