His neck prickled as he walked past a dark portrait of some old man from the 1800s.
Because of this dark portrait, it's difficult to swallow Mr. Stone's argument whole.
On the light box, smoky gray organs and opaque bones, a glow-in-the dark portrait of a human being.
The statement hinted at a very dark portrait of the governor, but evidence of that, if any, was not disclosed.
Once in the room, we encountered the usual crowd gathered around the small, dark portrait.
Over the mantel there is a dark Victorian portrait of what appears to be Lear on the heath.
Bosch knew little about the art, but he knew this was a dark portrait.
He still managed to finish some dark portraits of the batteau, he said.
At the hearings, a dark portrait of excessive force is likely to emerge quickly.
A dark portrait, by rights, yet tempered by writing's power to make a thing not only itself but something else besides.