The Fernie Formation is composed of brown and dark gray and black shale which can be fractured of papery.
The Doig Formation is composed of argillaceous siltstone and dark calcareous shale.
The Lea Park Formation is composed of dark shale with minor siltstone.
To the east, it becomes the Bakoven Member, a darker, less organic shale with fewer limestone layers.
Michael and Seyoko clung to the layered shale, dark and running with rainwater.
The Fort St. John Group is mostly composed of dark shale deposited in a marine environment.
The Pierre consists chiefly of dark shale, but also contains chalky strata, one of which is exposed at the top of the hill.
They were carved of bright blue stone commonly regarded as a dark shale or kind of schist.
The strata under examination are Cambrian, dark shale of a near-lithographic quality.
The Besa River Formation is composed primarily of dark shale.