There were people by the bridge, the dark splash of a crowd, but they rolled off the edge of her consciousness.
It was a dark star-shaped splash of paint that covered most of the white-painted surface.
One morning I found a dark sticky splash and a broken wine jar by the seat where Demochares had taken the air.
On the ground in front of the simple headstone were several dark splashes, which could only have been made by blood.
I see a huge, dark splash on the wall, his bedding and hair stained the same color.
"Say, Doctor, what're these dark splashes all over the walls?"
And further craters lay beyond, dark splashes on the snow, as if some wounded, rocky giant had limped this way.
The steep canyon walls are frequently painted with dark splashes of algae where water seeps through the rock.
A dark splash stained the back of his glove; he gasped, surprised that he felt no pain.
His legs straddled a dark splash Jiro knew to be the cavern exit.