They stood still together, waiting in the cold, dark stillness of space while time went by, a minute, or perhaps two or three minutes.
The world was dark stillness again.
In the dark stillness only the surface of the river moved.
Longtusk secretly enjoyed these unmarked times, when he could stand with the others in the dark stillness and feel the shape of the turning world.
Under the spread of the trees, the park was now a pool of dark stillness.
For a brief moment only Smith's face registered total disbelief then quickly returned to its normal dark stillness.
In the dark stillness of the fun house, Willow melted into Lonnie's strong arms.
As Leto considered this, he felt a dark stillness in his soul.
She lay for a moment in the dark stillness of her room.
His voice broke the stillness, as deep and dark as death itself.