The major change in film production methods in the United States during this period was the change to shooting in "dark" studios.
But promoting charitable causes can be viewed as an intrusion by people who go to the gym - or a dark Spinning studio - to escape.
One night we secretly met in a dark studio.
At night, passing the studio, dark and padlocked, you could hear the poor beasts tearing each other apart.
It shows the band performing for fans on a rounded stage lit up in a very dark studio.
Seated alone in a dark studio, he didn't know where to look.
You can't grow grass in a dark studio.
The video features the band playing in a dark studio, with a large screen behind them.
After everyone was asleep, I would light candles and turn endlessly by candlelight in a dark studio.
The music video for "Utareru Ame" shows Kitade recording the song in a dark studio by herself.