His hair stood up in crazy dark tufts and wings, shoved messily behind his ears, a week dirty.
In contrast, M. ingens has a weaker, dark brown tuft.
The tenrec Microgale jobihely has long, dark brown ungual tufts.
Along the crests there appeared at intervals the darker tufts of pine tops.
Two dark tufts extended from the corners of his mouth to his chin in small crescents.
The one-meter (3.3-ft) tail ends in a long, dark tuft of hair and is used as a defense against insects.
I was suddenly aware that the sheet was a mess, and there was a dark tuft of pubic hair poking out.
Conan could make out the dark tuft below that was the short black beard.
The same bicolor pattern extends to the tail, which has a dark brown tuft of hair at the end.
Out of the corner of my eyes I could see dark tufts growing in a man's ear.