Adam stopped their mounts, amusement lighting his dark visage.
She didn't see the dark visage of the man whose eyes haunted her with shadows.
Harry, faced by the man's dark visage, took the fellow for a Mexican; a logical guess since the man had first attacked with a machete.
He sat cross-legged, his handsome dark visage turned merrily up to her.
The dark visage of death that jerked the South American's head back and slid a deadly blade across it.
He is described by the author as having a bald head and a "thin, dark visage."
The secretary's dark visage registered excitement when Lopez returned to the room.
Lubu looked at the dark visage of Yin behind his mask.
The dark visage of a Romulan warrior sprang up onto the forward viewscreen, filling it.
Harry stared wildly into the dark visage of the Sicilian who stood before him.