Then, with an abrupt gesture, she allowed her kimono to slip down over her shoulder, exposing her skin, upon which were ugly, dark welts.
It has no fingernail, just a snug, dark welt, so the fingertip resembles a narrow flower bud.
A heavy dark welt was turning into an ugly bruise on his left arm, as was another across his neck.
She had bruises on her arms and shoulders too, dark purple welts and faded green-and-yellow splotches, Sansa had seen them when her sister undressed for sleep.
The mercury vapor light from the street fell on his face, which looked blue and swollen, and covered with dark welts.
A heavy dark welt was turning into an ugly bruise on my right arm, as was another across my chest.
I stopped before I started to stumble, but not before I was forced to suck in air by the lungful, or before I raised dark welts on the edges of both hands.
A dark purple welt was visible behind and beneath the left ear.
He laid her out on her back and transferred the bloodstained switchblade to her hand, then shifted Anpard's body as well, positioning his hands around the woman's neck, which was clearly marked with dark welts where Daifreize had strangled her.