The dark-clad man was scarcely visible upon the gloomy field, over which the faint gray of dawn was just appearing.
They were thirty yards from the ship when two dark-clad men ran out the quarterdeck door.
In another place, there were several dark-clad men, priests perhaps, I couldn't tell, and around them rings of those listening, eyes squinting against the snow.
Harold's eyes flickered up to a dark-clad young man with a ffinge of beard around his face sitting at the roulette table.
A dark-clad man with a pale face, standing near the girl and in the act of reaching for her with one outstretched arm.
Dust was still settling around Blade when he saw dark-clad men converge on Kareena.
The two dark-clad men came floundering up the path, crossed the main road, and started to walk up the lane to Hilltop House.
Yarthkin's eyes flicked up to a dark-clad young man with a fringe of beard around his face sitting at the roulette table.
"Well," the dark-clad man called out cheerily and smiled, "welcome, welcome!"
It stopped by the open door and two husky, dark-clad men entered.