"Do you remember the dark-haired guy I was with?"
"And what about the tall, dark-haired guy with the moustache?"
The dark-haired guy was trying to blink cigarette smoke out of his eyes and bring around the M- 16 carbine at the same time.
The dark-haired guy didn't come off familiar at all.
Maybe the dark-haired guy who'd stayed over last night and had left in a black government-issue Town Car.
The dark-haired guy who'd been so sullen turned out to be ex-army, so his prints came up.
She was watching a sleek, dark-haired guy strolling down a path.
One glance behind me showed the dark-haired guy following us.
Starr, a dark-haired little guy with a determined pout, looked a bit shaky.
Among the carnies was the redhaired woman and the dark-haired guy she had whipped at poker.