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But of course we have our darksome image to keep up."
He knew only the council hymn which had a certain darksome power.
Long shadows cast themselves over the house, caressing it with darksome fingers.
The enemy was still there, a darksome presence hovering always just beyond the edge of sight.
On we went accordingly, a darksome journey at first, for little light reached us in that deep and narrow hole.
Well, I am glad of it, who love my own hut better than such a darksome hole."
The sky was dusky red, and the darksome plain was likewise.
He staggered back across the darksome plain.
They didn't live in these darksome holes surely? '
You don't get proper darksome any more.
That darksome hole below the kitchen floor!
Into that darksome labyrinth came a small, weasely man.
A white Christ's cross is on his back; In his breast a darksome sin.
The other is more darksome.
I spent the darksome hours, as I spent the day, contemplative and seated at the window.
It was darksome even to terror!
There she sat and thought in the darksome cave, and was filled with fear and sorrow.
I do not love those darksome halls of Nyo that glow like something dead."
The darksome water stopped short of engulfing her, lapping her toes but coming no closer.
Soon they passed the overhang of a great, darksome gate into a vast courtyard whose walls had towers set at four corners.
Tegid said, lifting a hand towards the darksome peaks.
"These darksome days, one doesn't," said the sergeant.
"Friends," she said, as she surveyed its darksome entrance, "it looks like the door of a tomb.
Far out on one of the webs he discerned a darksome form, big as a crouching man but with long spider-like members.
Once it had glimmered, white and pure, and now it was darksome and disturbing.