He looked about, sharp eyes darting from one face to the next.
Her worried gaze darted from one face to the other, first Leah's then the doctor's, before finally settling on Blake.
The maid's eyes darted from one face to the next as if she could not bear to gaze at any one for long.
The manager darted glances from one face to another.
He came forward a step, eyes darting from one face to the other.
Lee cut in, his eyes restlessly darting from one face to another, his mouth distorted suddenly with his inner conflict.
"I love everyone here," she said as she darted from one face to another as if she were pollinating the flowers in a garden.
Kevin's eyes darted from one face to the other.
Iverson saw it and tilted his head, eyes darting from one smudged face to another.
The local's eyes darted from one face to the other, his impatience obvious.