The data that go into making the predictions rarely change substantially within a single year.
In this way, the data is always changing due to contributions by the community of users who use the tool.
With the data changing this quickly, if Soloman doesn't know what he's doing, then nobody does.
This stopping point is reached when new data does not change the emerging theory anymore.
The data showed that the power flow was often concentrated in "hot spots" and could change quickly.
We have seen no data or information to change that conclusion.
This problem can be overcome by using the data to change rather than set the phase.
In health care, by contrast, data is constantly changing based on information from doctors, nurses, patients and others.
"What we encountered at Google was an understanding of how data can change a business's strategy," he explains.
The data has not changed at all and I felt that if we did change, it would weaken our authority from now on.