Here again, larger data files can present more opportunities for defects.
The data presented did not state whether it was a statistically significant difference or just temperatures cooler than "normal."
The data released today did present the markets with more than the usual difficulties of interpretation.
Early 2009 data had presented losses of around 800,000 a month.
These data present a figure for the total population that corroborates the earlier estimates: 7,185,218.
The data we present show that paternal involvement is unrelated to various measures of children's well-being.
With data presented the right way, Enoph was plenty smart enough to work out implications for himself.
Unfavorable data will present a much more serious challenge to the dollar's stability than the trading of the past few weeks, they said.
These data present us how important the legislation can influence woman's behavior in science.
Scientists did not have enough data to present a clear picture of the regional characteristics of the ocean floor until about fifty years ago.