The data concerning the number of her victims varies, depending on different sources of information, from between 600 to 3000 Jews.
However, the data vary wildly according to the species being studied, and the Gulf's ability to recuperate after years of overfishing remains uncertain.
The data on the lake's maximum depth varies, from 44 m to 900 m in parts.
Computer-processed data, resulting from computer processing or entering data into a computer system, can vary in form.
Collecting data using this method varies in methodology from company to company.
Blevels can be falsely high or low and data for sensitivity and specificity vary widely.
Computer-processed data can vary in form-from electronic files to tables in published reports.
The data required will vary depending on the commercial procedures (such as inventory linking) at the location and the simplified procedure used.
As with Pax, the data may vary greatly, paralyzing novice investors.
The descriptive data (geometrical value) vary depending on the type of tool.