So, for example, you might have a table or a database called "log-ins," which is the username and password of everyone who can log in validly.
More attention was given to tracking rough sleepers through the hostel system and to sharing information between partner organisations via a central database called 'Chain'.
Fetch list of user accounts on a Unix system (stored in a database called 'passwd').
Officials at the Pentagon's counterintelligence unit say they plan to incorporate those records into a database, called Portico, on intelligence leads.
The records are then cleaned and gathered into a global database called "LRE Map".
It views the database, called Íslendingabók, as a valuable tool for conducting research on genetic diseases, given the relative isolation of Iceland's population.
This is done by creating rules in the database called constraints, that specify how the redundant copies of information must be kept synchronised.
A production system also contains a database, sometimes called working memory, which maintains data about current state or knowledge, and a rule interpreter.
Oracle said the new database, called 9i, would be more adept than its predecessor or competing databases at sharing information among clusters of individual computers.
This is a Dutch magazine for advanced players, which runs an on-line database called NicBase as part of its services.