Sowa's research interest since the 1970s were in the field of artificial intelligence, expert systems and database query linked to natural languages.
Hence, the top authors, as the Index presents them, are from a database query whose results require interpretation.
In any database management system following the relational model, a view is a virtual table representing the result of a database query.
A request for information from the database (a database query) is also a predicate.
This approach is appropriate for longer running transactions like database queries or airline fare quotes.
There are also specialized tags provided for database queries.
Information on the deep Web, on the other hand, comes to the surface only as the result of a database query from within a particular site.
Typically it is creating a database query based on user utterance.
Typically, when using straight database queries, example code would be as follows:
If that does not succeed, the code retrieves the information with a database query and then stores the returned user data in the cache.