The United States presence here dates from the Spanish-American War in 1898.
The property includes four fireplaces, a heated in-ground pool, a horse barn with 16 stalls and an elegant gazebo that dates from the Civil War.
Peru and Chile have a rivalry that dates back from the War of the Pacific.
The city aquarium opened in Castle Clinton, a fort dating from the War of 1812 that had been used for theatrical shows.
It also completed the long task of national reconciliation, burying by example the myth which dates from the 1946-49 Civil War, that right and left can never co-operate.
The Fort Mill Ridge trenches are believed to be the best preserved battle trenches dating from the Civil War in existence.
American officials said there was still a state of belligerency between the two countries dating from the Korean War, despite the armistice signed in 1953.
In May, an exterminator's hunt for termites led to the discovery of court papers dating from the Civil War.
The Navy has only a handful of antiquated vessels, dating from the Korean War when once before it was caught without minesweepers.
Two saltpeter leaching vats in the cave may date from the War of 1812, although this area was mined again during the Civil War.