To acquire passes journalists are required to give personal details including date of birth, nationality, home telephone number and car registration numbers.
The information generally includes the full name, date of birth, nationality and passport number for each passenger.
The conventions require a prisoner to divulge only his name, rank, date of birth and serial number.
An individual may also lie about his or her date of birth or social security number as well, making an independent, unique identification key necessary.
Next, he finds Murray Goldberg's date of birth and Social Security number.
The name, date of birth and social security number for each visitor must be provided when making a reservation.
The security information needed for a White House tour includes full names with middle initial, date of birth and social security number.
Over 80 per cent of problems are caused because the wrong information is held about an employee's name, date of birth or National Insurance number.
Visitors must provide date of birth, Social Security number and photo identification.
They also require proof of identification with your date of birth and Social Security number.