The insurrection began on a date planned for early in May.
It has gotten so bad that Donna Gerson is thinking of changing the location for a first date planned for this week.
When I decide to talk to you this way, my hours are spiked as if we really have a date planned.
Mr. Vranitzky said the date of the force's arrival, originally planned for April 12, would be delayed.
The two have been touring together since 2011, with future dates planned through 2012 and beyond.
"If you have any hot dates planned for the next year," he said, "I suggest you cancel them."
The newest lineup played the Denver Day of Rock in 2011 and have continued to tour with many more dates planned for the future.
Can we not leave anyhow on the date planned?
I didn't have a date planned with him this weekend, so I don't owe him an explanation.