Because of his childlike behavior, he is great with children like Zoey's daughter Ava.
His daughter Ava (who lived with her mother, also named Ava) received a $10 million trust fund.
Petz has a wife Heather and daughter Ava.
He is survived by his wife Sara Stone, daughter Ava, and his son Avatus.
Neely is married and has 2 kids; son Jack, born in 1998, and daughter Ava, born in 2000.
The hunky Aussie actor was spotted picking his daughter Ava from .
She recently helped open two schools outside of Phnom Penh with a group that included her 16-year-old daughter Ava.
Linda resides in Ridgewood, New Jersey, with her husband Fred and daughter Ava.
My mother was dying, my relationship was ending, and in complete contrast, my daughter Ava was being born.
Jimmy's daughter Ava (Michelle Trachtenberg) is getting married, and the price for the wedding is close to fifty thousand dollars.