I felt and knew I was going, and my daughter Carrie saw my soul leaving my body.
He told her he was going to name his daughter Carrie, so she could be just like her.
Meanwhile Don Kelly, a utility player for the Tigers, married his daughter Carrie, a former professional basketball player, in 2007.
It has only been two months since her daughter Carrie, 36, died of an aneurysm caused by 20 years of drug abuse.
He lives with his daughter Carrie and her husband, Doug Heffernan.
His daughter Carrie also played for Clemson, but in basketball.
The teenage daughter Carrie plans to drown herself, and the teenage boy Mark is high on drugs.
About noon on Jan. 28, 1910, the Priesters were out and their daughter Carrie, 21, was at home.
Their daughter Carrie, active at college in anti-violence campaigns, was invited to debate National Rifle Association members on the radio.
To be with Barbara, Ralph walked out on his wife Margaret and lost all contact with his eldest daughter Carrie.