Bob and his wife, Rebecca, have two children - son Shane and daughter Courtney.
This is a youth competition, but most kids, like Lodt's daughter Courtney, will arrive later.
Your strength and beauty live in your wonderful daughter Courtney.
The topic he enjoys discussing the most is his accumulated wealth, followed by life on his ranch-style property with wife Mandy and daughter Courtney.
Sam adopts a dog and the daughter Courtney finds a new boyfriend, Judd.
His daughter Courtney trained her binoculars on the sky, as if she expected the Pope to drop out of the blue.
Why, you know, my daughter Courtney- that's the eight-year-old-she wakes up with nightmares almost every night.
His daughter Courtney (Nicole Leduc), however, seems to have been spared.
"Some of you knew my daughter Courtney," Mark said, pushing away from the wall.
Having her daughter Courtney, she knows she will never be alone and does not need to follow meekly in Grant's shadow.