By the 1980s he had straightened himself out, settling in Yuma AZ with his wife and daughter Danielle.
It's as much for my wife Michella and my daughter Danielle as for me.
They were identified by the police as Courtney Block, 38; his daughter Danielle, 18; and a family friend, Joelbeth Marie Gross, 18.
We extend to his wife Beth, daughter Danielle and the family our heartfelt sympathy.
Taking his rebellious daughter Danielle with him, Jonas joins the TV show on board a Spanish Galleon.
Gary Smith's five week old daughter Danielle suffered fourteen broken ribs, two broken legs and a brain haemorrhage, leaving her permanently mentally handicapped.
His daughter Danielle, posting on the social networking website Facebook, described it as a "good send-off".
More recently, he names his daughter Danielle, after Danny Rand.
In March 1957 Adele gave birth to a daughter Danielle, called Dandy.
Her husband Damon Van Dam stayed behind to look after their daughter Danielle and her two brothers.