In that period he made many Neo-impressionistic portraits, such as the portrait of his wife Maria and their daughter Elisabeth.
Their daughter Elisabeth (Betty) was born in 1913.
Their daughter Elisabeth (- 1597) is the wife of Baron Miklós Istvánffy.
Nathalie was his last obstacle but, as Tim is about to shoot her, he is shot by his daughter Elisabeth from behind.
Her daughter Elisabeth was the mother of Conradin.
She also met her daughter Elisabeth at Bayonne near the Spanish border, amidst lavish court festivities.
While her daughter Elisabeth was in school during the academic year, Brewer deliberately limited her work in staged opera productions.
Their daughter Elisabeth married King Carol I of Romania.
But older daughter Elisabeth is tough and smart, and younger son James is the boldest thinker.
His daughter Elisabeth married the theologian Polykarp Leyser the Elder.