Shi'a Muslims use Siddiqah as a title for Muhammed's daughter Fatima.
The Alh al-bayt is defined by Shi'as as Muhammad, his daughter Fatima, her husband Ali, and their two sons Hasan and Husayn.
According to a scholarly opinion the instigator of Osman's murder was Ali, the husband of Mohammed's daughter Fatima from his marriage with Khadijah.
Both Hasan and Husayn are grandchildren of Prophet Muhammad, through the marriage of his cousin Ali and his daughter Fatima.
His daughter Fatima is his party's nominee for the district's seat while his wife, former governor Imelda Dimaporo is his party's nominee fot the first district.
Mr. Atriss now lives with his son Mohamed Jr., 18, and his daughter Fatima, 19, and her husband in Union County.
In the early 10th century, Shi'ite groups from Syria, claiming descent from Muhammad's daughter Fatima, founded the Fatimid Dynasty in the Maghreb.
This is variously said to represent a woman's hand dyed red with henna, as well as the bloodied hand of Muhammad's daughter Fatima.
While at school he heard Hindu gods or goddesses being abused by Muslim classmates, and in return was rude abut Muhammnad (or his daughter Fatima, the sources disgree).
A melancholy addict named Lassi watched her daughter Fatima, 25, snort dope through a ballpoint pen with its ink cartridge removed.