Gordon made a brief return to the series in 1983, when Meg met up with her daughter Jill and son-in-law Adam on their Venice honeymoon.
Her ancient flour sifter, probably a collectible by now, went to my daughter Jill, Mom's oldest granddaughter.
Samantha is made to be a "playmate" for the Scudders' daughter Jill, who appears to be as unstable as her mother.
At the funeral, his daughter Jill said "He achieved more than most of us could in 10 lifetimes."
Our thoughts are with his wife Carole Slater, his daughter Jill, and his mother Miriam.
Dad moves to the city with Dave, Mum and daughter Jill.
Hibben succumbed to pneumonia in New York in 1928, survived by his wife Sheila and daughter Jill.
His daughter Jill was cast in the lead role of "the girl", while son Monty Schulz helped write the script.
This is my daughter Jill.
She holds her daughter Jill and Joan hostage.