Don Jerome intends his daughter Louisa to marry the wealthy fish merchant Mendoza.
Gradgrind is the most dynamic character in Hard Times since he comes to recognize that emotions are important when his daughter Louisa has an emotional breakdown.
Her daughter Louisa was born in 1859, followed by a second daughter, Elisabeth, in 1860.
His daughter Louisa ("a modest, reserved, and sensible girl") was asked to sing, and Harris accompanied her.
Thrice married, his daughter Louisa from his 34 year first marriage is an art critic.
After the death of Pieter and his wife, the house is bequeathed to their daughter Louisa who later married Abraham Willet.
Their other daughter Louisa (b 1955) is an actress.
After the death of his daughter Louisa at the end of the year, George lamented, "This has been a fatal year for my family.
Daubert was survived by his wife Gertrude, his son George, and his daughter Louisa.
Her daughter Louisa, also a physician, was more active and more militant, spending time in prison in 1912 for her suffrage activities.