Thursday night, as the city crackled and popped with party-goers, the Reagans had a quiet dinner at home with his daughter Maureen and her husband, Dennis Revell.
The priest died hours after the wedding of the Flynns' daughter Maureen.
LESTER Piggott could be out of hospital in time to celebrate his 57th birthday on Thursday, his daughter Maureen said today.
Sir Peter took possession of Melham Old Place, as it is called; in late May, 1920, after selling his London house; he came with his daughter Maureen, his wife having died many years earlier.
Also in the party was Dennis Revell, the widower of Mr. Reagan's daughter Maureen, who died in 2001.
She heard him out and asked if he would mind if she hired his daughter Maureen, a young assistant at Fairfield.
His daughter Maureen has been undergoing cancer treatment, and relations with the other children have been strained in the past.
Malone's son, Tom, seems to have impregnated a girlfriend who is subsequently murdered and his daughter Maureen is an ABC journalist covering the Securities Commission investigation into Orlando.
Les, this is my daughter Maureen.
Colleen fell pregnant at 15 and had a daughter Maureen, who she later adopted out.