Diana continued to film the fourth series despite suffering from chickenpox - at the time she was pregnant with her second daughter Molly.
The two divorce, and their daughter Molly, like John, is sent to boarding school.
In response, he is coaxed by his 12-year-old daughter Molly (Madeline Carroll) to take more of a serious approach to life.
He currently lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife Victoria and daughter Molly.
She and Frank plan to name their daughter Molly.
As Jake is sitting there miserably, his daughter Molly, age twelve, "appears" and begins to talk to him.
He entered the booth with his young daughter Molly at his side and emerged 45 seconds later.
However, she is tired and grumpy and their daughter Molly is sick.
His daughter Molly was a finalist on the 2012 series of Britain's Got Talent.
Married to his wife Jessica, he has two children, a daughter Molly and a son Jake.