Their daughter Sally, then 14, helped her mother but was unable to save her father.
This was decided by a phone call from Sue Hunt, organiser of a charity run at daughter Sally's school, Sandbach High.
A vintage television commercial for the game is viewed by Don's daughter Sally during the episode.
His daughter Sally came out of nowhere and blew her nose as if she'd been crying.
She had encouraged her stepchildren and her daughter Sally to invite their friends: they would add colour, diversion, eccentricity, noise.
It also featured a song about his daughter Sally, "Sarah Maria".
Denzil lives in Toronto with his wife Colleen and daughter Sally.
Kingsley based at least two characters, for example, on his alcoholic daughter Sally, but we learn nothing here about his feelings for her beyond this.
His son Max turns feral and attempts to make a human sacrifice of him, and his daughter Sally wanders off with a traveling gospel revival.
Her daughter Sally, one of five children Young had with Njoo before they divorced, went into acting.