The project was suggested by his daughter Tracy, who was born to Tynan and his first wife, Elaine Dundy.
Fifteen years ago, Aaron is shown to be in jail, and is being visited by his young daughter Tracy.
In 1975 he married the yard's secretary Deirdre Langton and they moved into No.5; their daughter Tracy was born in 1977.
"My daughter Tracy is getting married next year," he said.
Ewatski is married father of three (sons Jess, Josh and daughter Tracy) and has other family members in the WPS.
In 1980, Edward decided to test daughter Tracy's loyalty, by pretending to have a heart attack.
Bev slips and tells Deirdre who is horrified because Charlie is now going out with her daughter Tracy (Kate Ford).
Sam moves to Adelaide soon after, opening the door for Greg's daughter Tracy to move in.
Billy resumes his life with daughter Tracy and son Rod.
We extend our heartfelt sympathies to his wife, Shelby White, daughter Tracy and the entire Levy family.