A will drawn up weeks before his death left an estate of 2.5 million dollars to his wife Marilyn and daughter Wendy.
They are in their late 40s, and have a daughter Wendy, who is married to Roger; both are rarely seen.
Margaret will also miss the birth of her next grandchild - her daughter Wendy in Cheltenham is expecting a baby any day now.
I know from Susan that he raped their eldest daughter Wendy.
Our sympathy to his wife Gloria, daughter Wendy and sonin-law Alan.
He was survived by his wife Dorothy, daughter Wendy, son Theodore, five grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.
He believes that she is his daughter Wendy.
Thomas' daughter Wendy serves on the foundation's board of trustees.
Her daughter Wendy was also in that production alongside her mother.
Holmes' daughter Wendy died suddenly in 1986, at the age of ten, of an undiagnosed brain tumor.