Also assisting are his three young daughters, who are squeegeeing soggy files, then blow-drying them.
His daughter also assisted at his studio, known as the Bath Art Studio.
His daughter assisted in the project.
Frye had five children; his two daughters assisted him in painting porcelain at Bow until their marriages.
The daughter of a tailor, Trigère was able to operate a sewing machine by age 10 and often assisted her dressmaker mother.
Wilder's daughter, Rose Wilder Lane, assisted her mother with the editing of the works.
Today, Mrs. Decker watches with pride as her 10-year-old daughter, Kathryn, assists a real priest.
The 10-year old daughter assists her father in facilitating the delusion.
His daughter, Caroline Endres assisted him on the project.
The Aroles' daughter, Shobha, who is now associate director of the program, assisted in some of the training.