Their crestfallen daughter, Caroline, was complaining of boredom and squirming at her father's feet on the bench.
Sepa says her daughters only complain about their work on Sundays, asking why they cannot take the day off like other children.
The next night my daughters gave it a try but complained after a couple of minutes that their food was getting cold.
But another daughter - bright, athletic, "with all the gifts you could want" - complains of life's unfairness.
My six-year-old daughter complains that the work she is doing in Year 1 at her prep school is too easy.
My daughter complains that cars and buses ride frighteningly close to her and snow leaves no place to walk.
My daughter has complained on numerous occasions that they are disruptive and you can't step outside without being barraged with it.
A caseworker's report said the daughter complained that when she visited the mother there was not enough food in the house.
His daughter had whined and complained all through the long, sweltering Friday-night drive.
His daughter complains that he treats her differently from her brother.