I imagined his coming back and finding her and his little daughter flown from the nest.
My daughter flew home from school to be there.
The daughters of God rose into the air and flew east.
During the past 12 months, my wife, our 3-year-old daughter and I have flown 36 segments - sometimes together, sometimes separately.
In fact, my wife and daughter are flying in this afternoon.
On Sept. 6 of last year, our 7-year-old daughter, riding down a hill, hit a metal pipe and literally flew head first into a brick wall.
This weekend, her 28-year-old daughter, a doctoral student in England, will fly in to take her mother's place while she attends a conference.
"Then you'd let your daughters fly in it, is that what you're saying?"
The daughter of a pilot, Felry has been flying all her life and piloting her own plane since she was a teenager.
The older daughter flies home from college.