The second surprise, after their friendship, had been the realization that between them, the fisherman's daughter led and the noblewoman followed.
Their daughter the writer has led quite a different life.
I don't think that he or your daughter led much of a real life in this place.
The daughter led me into a sunny bedroom with a bright orange floor that was heated from beneath and then hurried off.
C'tair suspected the Earl's daughter was leading them on, but he and his brother both enjoyed flirting with her.
Replies: This is a real stretch from my area of expertise, but I would let your daughter lead the way and see where she goes.
The daughter led the way to the small storeroom that contained the family still.
Nan took the guest's hand lightly to bring him forward, much as her daughter had led Slade to the car.
Upon the death of a father, his first-born son and daughter lead the rituals involved in his funeral.
My daughter leads a life that leaves little time for parents and family.