She also received help from Kathleen Kennedy, the daughter of Robert Kennedy, and now a close personal friend, who she has always given credit to.
Eight months ago, after a three-year courtship, he married Mary Courtney Kennedy, a daughter of Robert F. Kennedy, whom he had met on a speaking tour in the United States.
His elder son, Andrew Cuomo, married Kerry Kennedy, a daughter of Robert F. Kennedy and Ethel Skakel, in June 1991.
Politician Kathleen Kennedy Townsend (daughter of Robert Kennedy) spoke on his behalf at public events and musician Arlo Guthrie served as featured performer at rallies and receptions.
From 1990 to 2003, Andrew Cuomo was married to Kerry Kennedy, daughter of Robert F. Kennedy and Ethel Skakel.
Ms. Townsend, the daughter of Robert F. Kennedy, has been endorsed by leading state Democrats and is rated the early favorite against the likely Republican challenger, Representative Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.
Kerry Kennedy Cuomo, a daughter of Robert Kennedy, the former attorney general, criticized the Bush administration earlier in the day for what she said were policies that undermined civil liberties.
He and his wife, Kerry Kennedy, a daughter of Robert F. Kennedy, made their home in Washington, 300 miles from where the elder Mr. Cuomo now practices law and gives speeches.
The Republican incumbent, Helen D. Bentley, won 59 percent of the vote in turning back a challenge from Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, a Democrat who is a daughter of Robert Kennedy.
Since the 1960s in the USA, the name has occasionally been given to females, notably to Rory Kennedy (b. 1968), daughter of Robert F. Kennedy.