She was the daughter of daughter of Henry II, Duke of Brabant and Marie of Hohenstaufen.
She was the daughter of daughter of Dr. William Louis Poteat, the university president, and the sister of Stallings's classics professor.
Presumably, she was a daughter of daughter of Ulrich II of Lindow-Ruppin.
She is, of course, a daughter of Hollywood-the daughter of Francis Ford Coppola-but she's not showing what it was like to have him for a father.
Bat Mitzvah means "daughter of the mitvah" or "daughter of the commandments" in Hebrew.
He married Elizabeth Paulet, daughter of daughter of John Paulet, 2nd Marquess of Winchester.
She was the daughter of the aforementioned Hon. Elizabeth, daughter of the second Viscount Saye and Sele.
In early notes Eowyn is 'daughter of Theoden' and 'daughter of Eomund' (p. 390).
"Tevi daughter of Maya daughter of Ruth daughter of Sheri."
During that period, he married the daughter of daughter of Joseph de Fleury de La Gorgendière.